Before + After Edit – Chilliwack Maternity Photographer

In case you missed it on Tuesday, my cousins were up on the blog for a beautiful maternity/family session, be sure to check it out here.

One of my goals for the new year is to start blogging on a more regular basis. Years ago, I loved to write. Stories, blogs, poems, essays (call me crazy but essays were my favourite). Writing is like any other skill, if you let it go, it takes a while for it to come back. You have to work on it. So that’s what I’m doing.

Today’s blog post is a fun one – I’m showing you a before/after edit from my latest session.

Now don’t let anyone, especially me, tell you how much of an editing expert I am. I am awful at it, I’m brand new to it, and I’m entirely self-taught – yikes! Most photographers use Adobe programs for their editing software (i.e. Lightroom, Photoshop). These photos were edited using Apple’s software Aperture. I am planning on switching my post-processing over to the Adobe Creative Suite very soon though. beforeaftereditcourtneyI love this before/after edit example because it really shows you the importance of post processing. I loved this shot the minute I captured it in camera but I lost the pop of colour that I was wanting. To help it not look dull and really pop, I barely boosted the contrast, and boosted the vibrancy almost to the max. After that, all I had to do was adjust the highlights and white balance and you’re left with what you see here. Sometimes edits are quick and painless, other times they are time consuming and draining. This one was so much fun because I had the base for what I needed and all I had to do was a few quick changes and we were ready to go!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the blog post! If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions for future posts, comment or send us an email, we’ll be sure to respond.. It may even make an appearance here! : )


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